What is Wellness Care?

Optimal Chiropractic (701) 364-9998 3220 4th Street East Suite #101, West Fargo, ND 58078 https://optimalchirond.com/

📍 📍 It’s Doctor Barney

with Optimal Chiropractic. And today I wanted to go over a subject that we talk about quite often in our clinic. And that is the subject of wellness care. Now you may have heard some other terms for it. Maintenance, preventative care, wellness care. These are all synonymous and we use them pretty interchangeably in our clinic, but what is wellness care?

And really, why do we preach wellness care so much? It really starts with, and I do use this chart quite a bit, whether I’m drawing it or just going over with patients, but these are just a couple of phases of care that anyone at any time might be at in our clinic. Now, really what we want to get to is obviously we want everyone to be at their optimal health and at their wellness care.

The tough thing is many people don’t realize the underlying issue or the problem has been going on for a lot longer. And maybe they’ve been feeling it, or maybe they’ve been experiencing it. And that’s where the diagnosis. The exam x rays, it comes into play to show the, show us really the timeframe of how long it’s been going on and all that stuff too.

So the tough thing is people all want to get to the wellness care. However, if they’re somewhere in what we call relief care, we may even call this acute care where it’s an acute issue, a lot of pain, a lot of symptomology, a lot of stuff is going on. We know that it could take some time, obviously. And a lot of repetition to get to that wellness care.

So those people in here may want to jump to this a lot sooner when really it can take some time and some care to get us on that road to wellness. Now the corrective care is it may not be as bad as that relief care, but there’s still a lot of work to be done to where we want to get to that wellness care.

Now, the great thing is when we graduate these phases of care, The phase of wellness care can take a lot easier to maintain, right? It’s the old term. It’s a lot easier to maintain something that’s working well than it is to fix something that’s broken. I know you all know that out there because it doesn’t just apply to the human body.

It applies to a lot of things in life. But the fact of the matter is, once we get to that wellness care, we really get to just reap the benefits of it. We’re feeling good. More importantly, our spine is functioning good. We don’t run the risk of relapsing or having the issue fall back into one of these phases where it’s going to take more time and really we just get to enjoy feeling great, enjoy our adjustments, enjoy our wellness decompression.

Obviously it takes sometimes a lot less time to, because we put in a lot of time in these phases to stay in that wellness care. Now we also preach, obviously, like I said, if we fall off this wellness care, if something happens. We may need to look at that, but as long as we’re maintaining and keeping everything feeling good, we get to reap the rewards of that preventative care.

And obviously what a shame, like I said, it would be to feel good for a long time, drop off and then just have the issue. So that’s something that we really preach and we want everyone eventually to be on wellness care. Cause that means that you’re feeling great and you’re achieving your optimal health.

Thank you

and have a great day.

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