What is the N-Diagram?

 Hi guys, it’s Doctor Barney. With Optimal Chiropractic and today I wanted to make a short video explaining the letter N. Now, what is the letter N? The letter N is my favorite way to explain chiropractic and where chiropractic comes in the achievement of optimal human performance. Now, how does it work?

When we look at this particular diagram, we’re going to start with, like I said, trying to achieve optimal human performance. And what really affects optimal human performance? And you’re going to see where chiropractic ties into this as well. But optimal body performance is tied back to body chemistry.

If we have good body chemistry. we’re going to be in okay health. If we have bad body chemistry, we’re not going to be doing very well. In fact, medication aims to change our body chemistry and although it doesn’t really affect the underlying issue, it can change it. We’ll get back to that. Maybe on a different video, but that basically body chemistry is affected by what organs, glands, and tissues.

They secrete those hormones that can control The body chemistry. Now, body chemistry is controlled directly by what? Our central nervous system. Spinal cord, brain, everything is controlled by that master control system. It controls everything in our body. So obviously it’s going to affect those organs, glands, and tissues.

Now, the brain and the spinal cord is so important that it is really the only organ that is completely encased in bone. Now, when those bones, really in a perfect world, are able to flex, twist, bend, shift, move how we want to move, everything’s going to be okay. We don’t live in a perfect world, do we? And really due to everyday unavoidable stress, they’re going to shift or get misaligned.

And that’s what we refer to, especially in the spine, as a subluxation. Now, when that happens, you think that’s going to affect the central nervous system, the nerves? Absolutely. Which is in turn going to affect the organs, glands, and tissues that those nerves go to. Which is going to what? That’s right, it’s going to decrease body chemistry.

Not good, right? So our overall health and performance is really going to suffer. Now, where our job as a chiropractor is to come in and fix that misalignment or subluxation with an adjustment. If that bone is back in place, the nerve pressure, the nerves are going to be stimulated. If they’re going to those organs, glands, and tissues, they’re going to be functioning better.

Those organs, glands, and tissues that secretes those hormones and control body chemistry can only go up. And what that’s going to do is get us as close to our optimal human performance as possible. And that is the letter N. And I will explain, this is why that we do care about neck pain, back pain, things like that, but really it’s a much deeper level, right?

We control about how our body is functioning, not just the pain and those things. So the letter N is still my favorite way to explain chiropractic. Thanks for listening.

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