Optimal Chiropractic (701) 364-9998 3220 4th Street East Suite #101, West Fargo, ND 58078 https://optimalchirond.com/
Hi guys it’s Doctor Barney. With Optimal Chiropractic
and today I wanted to make a short video highlighting Spinal decompression. You’ve probably heard of it
heard us mention it in our office. We use it
but what is it? Who is it for and how does it work? We’re going to start with the basic schematic of the spine and obviously everything we do at Optimal Chiropractic is made to help the function and improvement of your spine.
Spinal decompression treatment falls into that category
but when we look at the spine
we have the 24 vertebrae
we have the discs in between
which are going to be almost the shock absorbers
padding in between those vertebrae. And in a perfect world
obviously every one of these spinal joints
the vertebrae are going to be able to move
bend how we want them to protect the spinal cord
and the nerves that are in that spinal column.
We know that not living in a perfect world due to everyday unavoidable stress. These vertebrae are going to shift
get misaligned. They’re going to have abnormal stress in certain areas
specifically where we see the most disc issues is in the lumbar spine and in the cervical spine or neck. Now
when these discs wear down faster or degenerate
they can cause some issues.
They can sometimes bulge either on the spinal cord
and the spinal canal or on the nerve as it leaves. An even worse issue is a herniation where now the contents of the disc are on the outside of the disc
not good
putting stress on the spinal cord or the nerve as it leaves. And what type of symptoms are we going to see with this issue?
We’re going to see a lot of radiating pain
weakness into the extremities. If it’s in the neck or the disc herniation or bulges in the neck
you’re going to see that issue into your hands
shoulders. If it’s in the lumbar spine or the lower back
we can see those same issues into the extremities.
all that stuff
basically from the belly button down can cause an issue. When we see these disc issues or hear about these disc issues
what we want to do is spinal decompression treatment is basically set the protocol specifically for the patient. Whether it’s in the cervical spine
the lumbar spine is going to determine how we set the table up
but it’s going to actually pull with a certain amount of weight.
Once again
gently and really specifically set for that particular patient to where It’s going to take that stress off that disc by creating a vacuum to where the disc is actually going to have that stress relieved
but also going to be able to rehydrate. The disc is really made up of about 80% water.
If we can take some of that stress off. It’ll actually absorb some of those nutrients and water that will allow it to heal. Really in a nutshell
that’s what spinal decompression treatment
how it works. The table is like I said
very gentle and effective. A lot of people expect the pressure when you’re pulling with a certain amount of weight.
To maybe be painful
but really it is actually quite gentle and effective when allowing this disc to heal naturally. So that’s what spinal decompression aims to do in our office
and that’s why we’ve been using it so effectively over the past few years for many patients who have had disc issues. If you know anyone suffering from some of these issues
or just have general disc degeneration
spinal decompression treatment is a wonderful treatment.
to help and maintain that spine. Thank you and we’ll look forward to helping you achieve your optimal health.
Get started on your path to optimal health today.