Chiropractors DO help pinched nerves! We work with the nervous system itself, which is the most important part of the body’s function. If you’re struggling with pain from a pinched nerve, we’d love to help you find relief. 🙌 (701) 436-9805 3220 4th Street East Suite #101, West Fargo, ND 58078
📍 📍 It’s Doctor andrew
with Optimal Chiropractic. I want to talk to you guys today about pinched nerves. It’s one of those injuries we get in all the time in the office and people just say can the chiropractor help with pinched nerves? And the answer is absolutely yes. Chiropractors, that is our wheelhouse.
That’s what we do. We deal with the nervous system. So pinched nerves is what we deal with. What we try to explain to people is that the brain to the body connection is through the spinal cord. And when everything is running perfectly, that’s when your body feels and functions perfectly. However, that’s not usually how life happens.
Usually we have, Every day, unavoidable stresses that start to bend and twist our vertebrae, that put pressure on our nerves, and that’s where people can start to call that a pinched nerve. Pinched nerves, it can vary between many different people. Some people get varying Intense pains. You can get sharp shooting pains.
You can get radiating pain, like shooting down your leg, let’s say, or into your arms. You can get numbness and tingling, burning sensations even muscle spasm,
muscle weakness, trigger points, all those different things. Now what we do as chiropractors then is we adjust the vertebrae to help take pressure off those nerves.
So what I wanted to show you though, is what it looks like. It may be some people in these cases that are dealing with pinched nerves. This is what’s going on. First of all, this is a normal vertebrae, how we’d like to see it in line. If you can see right here,
these openings are where all the nerves come out.
So basically when that nerve is open and flush like that,
or that opening is open
and flush, that nerve can run out of there perfectly just like that. And that’s what we have here. These are where the nerves actually come out. So they have plenty of space in there for all that opening. And that allows them to flow properly.
Now, what happens over years or everyday unavoidable stresses, arthritis sets in, discs get moved, our vertebrae start to shift and buckle and do all these different things. And then I have a few examples here where you can start to get. All these different osteophytes, they call them, or arthritis or bone spurs.
These discs up top can start to press out and herniate or bulge, and they can put pressure on those nerves all throughout the entire spine. So what we’re doing as chiropractors is,
we’re going in, we’re finding these areas. We like to do an x-ray in our office. It helps us determine where the problem is, how severe it is, and then we can actually show our patients as well too.
But then we go to the spine,
and then we can actually adjust,
and that actually helps take pressure off those nerves just the way we need to. Because you can see they can start to, over time, start to get compressed. And you can see how much space is left for that nerve opening. Not much. So as we can go ahead and help adjust as chiropractors with their adjusting.
That will help. We also do something called spinal decompression, where we can actually pull, where it’s really compressed, and we can help pull it open and work on that disc as well too. So that’ll all help take pressure off those nerves. And then over time, as we start to work that thing and retrain that spine, you’ll start to usually get, Symptom relief, but then in general, you’re just functioning better because those nerves are flowing as best as they can.
The longer you wait for these things, the more damage that gets done. So we can’t help you as much if it’s been a thing going on for 80 years. But it’s still we can might be able to take some pressure off to get some relief though, too. So that’s why I always say get in here as soon as you can when you’re dealing with these things.
So we can help fix it,
prevent it from getting worse, and then just let you have a better life going forward, better quality of life,
and let those nerves function the way they should. So that’s what we do. If you have any more questions on that, we’re always happy to help too. Any more info, feel free to look at our website.
We’re doing a lot of these videos, just explaining all these different things that chiropractic can help with. Appreciate listening.
Get started on your path to optimal health today.