Optimal Chiropractic (701) 364-9998 3220 4th Street East Suite #101, West Fargo, ND 58078 https://optimalchirond.com/
📍 📍 Hi guys. This is
Doctor Barney
Optimal Chiropractic and today I just wanted to make this short video highlighting our intersegmental traction tables
and what they do for your spine and why we love them. Now I know that we’ve probably called them roller tables or traction tables
but really their name is that intersegmental traction table.
And what that means is it actually uses these rollers as it makes its way up
and down the spine to get in between each one of those segments and stretch
add some flexibility
add some motion and really. In a way
almost decompress some of that spine by making its way up the spine instead of having everything pushed down on your spine
like it does in our everyday lives. Not to be confused with our decompression tables that do a lot more and decompress the spine. And we can get into that a different time
but what’s great about these tables is they’re safe for everyone to use
whether you’re 3 years old
or 85 years old
you can use these traction tables
and we can change
or adjust the level.
Or the height of the rollers to get more intense or less intense. So obviously if you’ve ridden one of these or been on one of these
you love it because it feels so good. And that’s just one of the benefits. The other benefits are those things that I mentioned that it really just gets some stretch and exercise and flexibility into the spine
and who wouldn’t want all those things.
In fact
it sounds so good. I think I’m going to actually get a roll on it right now. So if you don’t mind
I’m going to ask for some privacy. Have a great day.
Get started on your path to optimal health today.