Chiropractic X-rays

Optimal Chiropractic (701) 364-9998 3220 4th Street East Suite #101, West Fargo, ND 58078

 Hey everybody. It’s Doctor Andrew. Here with Optimal Chiropractic. One question we get in our office a lot is why do we x ray? We really x ray because x ray really takes the guesswork out of it for us. When I can x ray a patient

I can see the condition of their spine

and then give them an idea of what healing time is going to look like.

Frequency of coming into the office

what kind of results we’re going to expect

and things like that too. The x ray does a really good job of also showing us how severe things may be. Some people come to our office and they’re saying they don’t feel too bad

but that x ray can go

and show us that something is really wrong.

For example

Here I do have this x ray pulled up. This was a patient who was older. But not complaining of too much pain

or just more so want to get checked out to see where they’re at

came in and sure enough

we find a very large curvature of their spine that can really do some damage down the road for them.

And it also helps for safety of the adjustment as well

to where I need to adjust

how I can adjust

what kind of techniques to use as well too. The x ray really does a lot for our office

and it does great things for you as a patient because then it shows you what is going on

what we need to do.

It’s great too because we can customize our plans for you depending on how your x ray looks too. So there’s a lot of things that go into these x rays

and that’s why we find them to be so important in our office

and we like to do them for all of our new patients that come in. So if you have any other questions about x ray or you think someone who could benefit from just getting a look at this

send them our way

we’ll be happy to help

but really that’s what I wanted to get across was just how important the x ray really is for you

and your adjustment

your initial plans

and just your care going forward.

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$47 New Patient Special!

Chiropractic Consultation

Full Chiropractic Exam

X-Rays (if needed)

Report of Findings

Chiropractic Adjustment