Car Accident? See A Chiro!

Car accidents take a toll on your body. 🚗🤕 Whether you have large or small injuries, chiropractic care can make a difference in your healing process! Optimal Chiropractic (701) 364-9998 3220 4th Street East Suite #101, West Fargo, ND 58078

 Hey everybody

it’s Doctor Andrew

here with Optimal Chiropractic. Today I want to talk to you about why it is so important for chirocare after an auto accident. First off

before we go too much into chirocare

if you do get an auto accident

it is always a great idea to go get checked out at a hospital setting just to make sure there’s no major internal things going on to a fracture

or maybe some sort of internal organ damage

or things like that too.

But after that

you have the all clear chiropractic is a great thing after auto accidents.

Auto accidents are really hard on the body. What usually happens is we see people with like things like whiplash

or really low back injuries. A lot of times when these things happen

they’re caused like almost micro tears

and the tendons and ligaments that can lead to really chronic pain down the road for.

Years to come. You might not even notice it right away. It might be years down the road before you start to notice headaches chronic tension all these different things. So chiropractic care is great in that sense

because we can also start to adjust that problem ahead of time that will help the healing process so that will prevent things down the future.

Not only that

it’s a great pain reliever right away after an accident

then you’re not taking drugs that could be addictive. And also it can really help with mobility. That’s another big thing too

once you get in an accident. Ask anyone who has been on a bad one. It’s hard to move or do things

or even get back to work.

So chiropractic care will help you get to that point much faster as well too. There’s a litany of other things too

but those are some of the big ones that I wanted to bring up to you. So if you ever get an accident

definitely check out with your chiropractor. Thanks.

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X-Rays (if needed)

Report of Findings

Chiropractic Adjustment