Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease, according to the World Health Organization. 🙌 We want to share the many factors contributing to a healthy lifestyle! Check out this informative video from Dr. Andrew to learn more. Optimal Chiropractic (701) 364-9998 3220 4th Street East Suite #101, West Fargo, ND 58078
📍 📍 Hey everybody
It’s Doctor Andrew
here with
Optimal Chiropractic. I wanted to talk to you today about health and the five factors that are going to lead you to your best health. Before I get to this list though, I wanted to talk to you guys about what is the definition of health. Health is the complete state of physical, emotional, and social well being without the absence of disease.
So what does that really mean? It basically means just because you’re not in pain or been diagnosed with a disease doesn’t necessarily mean you’re healthy. Does that make sense? My goal is we want to treat all of our patients here and get them to their utmost optimal health. That’s why it’s in our name.
So optimal health is composed of these five factors. Now, first one I’m going to write down here. We’re going to start with fuel. Gotta be putting the right things into your body. Next one, we’re going to do exercise. Gotta get our bodies moving. Three, we’re going to call it sleep or recovery. Two, we’re going to go mood or We can call it our even like emotional well being and then number one, of course, we’re chiropractors here We focus on the nervous system.
So we’re gonna say the nervous system is number one a properly flowing nervous system now Number five here for fuel These are all you guys know a majority of these answers here fuel. We need to put the proper stuff in our body That is the proper foods, no processed foods, sugars, naturally occurring foods are going to be the best ones for you to eat.
That includes good water as well too. Clean, filtered water. Exercise. Exercise is very important too because, our technology filled lifestyle. Everybody’s sitting, we’re looking down at devices, all these different things. Our bodies are meant to move. So when we do all these more sedentary type of things, our body’s actually a bit more up than if we were, working in a warehouse, lifting things all day.
That’s actually exercise our body. Our bodies are moving. Too much repetitiveness. Yes, can beat us up, but overall, I’d rather have you moving and doing something like that rather than sitting at a desk, not doing anything all day for the entire body not to move. Okay? And then sleep is very important as well, too.
If we can’t sleep, not proper, good sleep, your bodies can’t recover. You can’t recover. You can’t function at your full potential. Yep. And then mood, like I said, emotional well being. Our emotions, everything is how much stress do you have in your life? Okay. That’s maybe the big question. You deal with a lot of stress.
You’re having negative thoughts, anxiety, depression. These things are running rampant right now in our, Modern day here. So we got to bringing in more positive attitude, gratitude, thankfulness, all these things help bring a positive attitude to our mental state. And that helps us be at that healthier level.
It’s another level besides like the physical. And then, of course, though, our number one thing is a healthy, flowing nervous system. The nervous system is so important because it is the master control system of the body. It controls everything, whether it’s your breathing, your heart rate, your lungs, your digestive system, for all that fuel burning, whatever it might be, it’s all controlled by the brain, the spinal cord, and then those nerves that come out of your spinal cord.
That’s why we call it the master control system because it controls everything. Now you need this to be flowing at a hundred percent for any of these other things to be working. That’s why it’s so important to have such a properly flowing nervous system. And then why how do chiropractors work on the nervous system?
Imagine this is your body here, your head, my little stick figure, man, here, your brain is trying to communicate with the rest of your body going down through their spinal cord and everything is getting cased in bone. all the way through that spinal cord because it is so important. Now, let’s say your brain is trying to communicate a signal to, let’s say your stomach right here.
It has to send a signal all the way down through here. And then out to tell your stomach, what to do, what to produce, whatever it needs to do. That stomach then actually send signals back to the brain. So it’s got to go back through this. It’s a long highway, basically back and forth for communication to the brain.
That’s why this nervous system is so powerful. So when we, what the big thing is, we want that communication to be from here to the brain, to the stomach, to any organ gland tissue. We want it to be a hundred percent, right? Why wouldn’t we? That’s what full health is, right? And then because of all these stresses and different physical activities we do or whatever it might be.
These bones become out of alignment, and they can put pressure on our nervous system. And if that, say, what happens right here, and this is shifted over, that signal then, going down, gets irritated, it gets disrupted, and it can’t send the proper signal all the way down to the stomach. So now, we’re not focusing, and it’s also trying to send signals back up.
So now, it can’t send signals there or back at a proper level. So say, now we’re at about 70%. So that’s just one example of how important the nervous system is. And that goes for every single organ, gland, tissue, a cell in your body. Every cell even has a nerve that runs to it to communicate with it. That’s how important it is for our entire nervous system to be functioning and flowing to remove what we call subluxation.
Subluxation is what is causing all these nerve irritations to our body throughout the daily life of whatever is going on. Okay. That’s what a chiropractor does. We remove subluxations through the adjustment. That is what’s going to end up getting you to closer to as close as you can to 100%. There’s always limitations if there’s too much damage or things like that.
But we’re going to try to get your body flowing as best we can to that 100%. So that’s why we always say the nervous system is the most important thing in the body. And that’s what we work on. Sure, yes, a nerve adjustment can help. relieve pain and muscle tension, things like that. Yes. Great. That’s awesome.
But people don’t realize how important it can actually be for your overall health as well too. So I hope that makes sense to you. You guys let us know if there’s any questions. I’m happy to answer any of this stuff. If there’s more details, you want any of this as well too. Okay. But thanks for listening.
Hopefully that helps you understand how to get to your more optimal health. Thanks.
Get started on your path to optimal health today.